Sunday, 6 May 2012

Hit the jackpot - ID This Item.

I was recently notified of the newest website on the block, 'ID This Item'.
After a quick sign up process (research tells me it used to be invitation only but is now opened up to everyone) I logged on to have a look around. At first glance, the website looks a bit basic and kind of like it has been pulled straight from Pinterest. In fact, the idea is quite similar to Pinterest in some ways - you post items you're after and people will ID them for you, if all goes to plan.

Although Pinterest is more of a creative hub with the odd "where could I buy this dress?" thrown in
, ID This Item is targeted towards finding clothes/accessories so you're more likely to get a response.
Despite my initial scepticism, I can't deny it's a great concept that's filled a much needed gap. I expect big growth will follow once word catches on.


We used to live in a world where we would find new brands or products in a magazine or (shock horror!) actually have to go up to a person and ask where they bought what they're wearing. Now people are roaming tumblr, pinterest and blogs to get inspiration and I know on many occasions I've seen something I liked and hit a brick wall in finding it, or something similar, with no credits available.

You post the item you're after, and other members will respond with similar or exact products.
If you consider yourself a fashion expert, shopaholic or you want to find that dress you saved a picture of 18 months ago, sign up today.
This is not a paid or sponsored endorsement.

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