Friday, 19 February 2010

my rant.

After reading countless articles, hearing hundreds of bitchy women gossip about it and now seeing facebook groups on it, I would just like to have a little rant about womens sizes.
Every single woman is beautiful, no matter what their size.
This has really irked me after seeing this on facebook just minutes ago;
"became fans of REAL woman AINT a size 0 .. REAL woman have CURVES :)."

I completely understand that women and men appreciate curves, I think they're fabulous too - but please stop with saying a woman who is a size 0
isn't a REAL woman.
She is. You are. We all are (sorry to any men reading this)
There is far too much judging on womens weight, and I know this little attack won't help it but I want to put it out to you now to please stop judging one another.
The slim and skinny women get told they need to put on weight. The bigger and curvy women get told they need to lose weight. How about; we finally realise that it is not possible for everyone to be a perfect, identical weight and we should all just accept one another for how we are.

Obliviously I understand that in certain cases, women can be too thin or too big and this can cause health problems, but as a size 4-6 female, I am sick to death of reading that bigger, curvy women look real yet small women don't. I don't choose to be my size and I often wish I had more curves, I overeat yet I don't seem to put on weight. And do you think those women with big thighs like them? Chances are not, and how do you think you would feel if you knew people were laughing at your weight.

This probably makes no sense however I just needed to vent.
Also, I apologise for the lack of posting recently. I've just started my final year of school and have been very busy but I promise to make it up soon.
SiS x

image from